E-commerce Payment Gateway

Excell-Pay is a Partner of market leaders and will propose you the payment gateway best matching your business.

Payment methods

Excell-Pay proposes Payment Gateway with 100+ local payment methods and multi currency management.  Objectives are to facilitate payment and possibly shorten customer payment process with TOKEN and/or Recurring payment.


Payment page is responsive web design to adapt pages to the size of the screen used.

Payment Page

Excell-pay proposes several ways to integrate from Plug-ins, API to hosted pages. Easy integration is proposed to  a wide range of e-commerce or shopping cart solution.


The proposed solutions are first level PCI-DSS compliant and ensure security for eCommerce and cross-channel transactions.

Fraud prevention and detection

The solution includes several level of fraud detection and prevention services in order to minimize risk. Proposed functions are based on several parameters that we can combine including real-time behaviour, IP tracking and industry risk profiles comparison.